Dr.-Ing. Hannes Holey
- Member of RTG 2450
- Group: Prof. Peter Gumbsch / Prof. Lars Pastewka, KIT IAM- Reliability and Microstructure (IAM-ZM)
- Room: 110.3
CS 30.48 - Phone: +49 721 608-45870
- hannes holey ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
04/2020-03/2021: Member of the PhD committee
Method Development for Multiscale Simulation of Lubrication
I am interested in the modeling of fluids at various scales with a special focus on application to lubrication problems, where severe loading conditions can lead to fluid films of only a few molecular diameter thickness. Hence, the lubricant's behavior is governed by molecular interaction and constitutive relations typically used in hydrodynamics lose their validity. In our project P1, I am particularly concerned with the development of tools that incorporate the molecular information into a mesoscopic hydrodynamics framework. More accurate descriptions than simple wall slip models (see Figure) for the description of the fluid-wall interface require molecular modeling.