Voice Training
Seminar room 4.048, Building 20.30, Englerstraße 2
April 26 and 27
NaWik Staff
9:00 - 17:00
Organizational note:
The workshop will take place on two days in two separate groups. The content of the workshop will be the same on both days. Please make sure to know which group you are joining.
Description by the organizers (NaWik):
Research is one thing, talking about your research is another. Whether at congresses, in the lecture hall, during the day at the open house or during a television interview - these days, content comes in a wide variety of forms presented and discussed. And the voice is always in action. To speak in a variety of ways with a sustainable voice is the basis of every convincing mediation. In the one-day voice seminar, participants learn to find their individual, authentic voice and to use without tiring. To this end, under the guidance of an experienced lecturer, they conduct numerous practical exercises Exercises and learn the theoretical basics of a clever voice leading. Audio analysis helps Participants to discover new colors in their voice.
Thematic focus
• Your own timbre - the authentic voice
• Diaphragmatic breathing versus chest breathing
• Discover resonance spaces
• Articulate clearly
• Speak without tiring - the voice fit
• Speak loudly with ease
• How nervousness changes the voice